Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Are You Pumped?!

One of my all-time favorite shows, American Idol, is back! Reread that to yourself, using a Ryan Seacrest voice. That's how I've been mentally talking to myself all day long.
Last year, Erica and Gina started an American Idol pool. I didn't win the big pot because the game was rigged. OK, maybe not technically, but Gina's bf won and he's the only person out of all of us who even guessed that Jordin and Blake would be the top two! I haven't quite figured out the specifics of how they managed to rig that, especially since we picked our top 2 guesses the day they announced the top 12, but I'm working on it.
I did win many of the smaller, weekly pools though. Sometimes I made random guesses, having missed the performance show and not being able to get Tivo to work properly on my computer at work. This worked in my favor somehow, because I managed to make about $150 throughout the competition. My goal is to win at least the same amount. I don't aim high.
So yes, point of the blog is that if you call me while I am watching American Idol, I will not answer my phone. Another point, we participate in office gambling, which may or may not be illegal. If it is, I'm blaming Erica and Gina. I'm weak-I give in to peer pressure.