Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Buyer Beware

We are having some of our wedding photos edited. Simple stuff, cropping, color fix, eliminating shiny foreheads, etc. Stuff that I'm too lazy or too inexperienced to do myself. One of the guys I sent a sample photo to returned this photo to me. This picture is too small to really see it, but trust me, it looks even more hysterical in full size.
Note the weird silver color of the S & D on the cake. And there is a random black hole on my shoulder. I have a gap in my teeth and my eyes have become black pits of death. He also deleted half of Dan's hair and made it look like he's wearing a weird glove.
The guy then asks me if I approved of his work, and if so, he could show me a sample of it done artistically.

...you mean this was supposed to be the serious one? Thanks, but no thanks.


Candace said...

I could have made you look like a couple of circus monkeys for free, why pay someone? Sorry, it is pretty funny though. Hopefully someone else will really do a good job.

Erica said...

lol what in the world! where did you find this guy! lol I love Dan's glove.

Wavegrl said...

umm I can edit your images ... and not give you black pits for eyes ...

Wavegrl said...

I can also make you an album. We need to chat about this as I have ideas I need to run past you.. .. call me this weekend if you get a chance