Monday, July 16, 2007

Booze and Birthdays

This weekend was action packed. On Friday, Dan worked the crap shift, (a.k.a. 4:00pm-2:00am) so I went out with Jason and David. We went to TGI Friday's, and I proceeded to have the girliest drinks I could. My first was an upside down pineapple martini. It was pure pineapple juice with a cherry and half a shot of malibu rum. My second was a grape martini which was a lovely shade of blurple. My last one was a Bluetini PomPom. Fabulous. But I started to feel the alcohol, so I spent the rest of the night drinking water.
The funniest moment was when David ordered a martini. Jason spotted the waitress wandering around with a martini in hand, looking confused. When he flagged her down, she said she had forgotten who the drink was for. And I quote, "I was looking for a girl. I thought a girl had ordered this drink since it's so popular with females." This made Jason and I laugh hysterically and ensured her a large tip.

After that, David's ego was bruised, so he ordered a whiskey sour in an apparent attempt to remind us that he is indeed manly. She brought back a whiskey sour with foam bubbling on top, and a very large garnish of pineapples, a strawberry and many little swords. This ensured her an even larger tip. I attempted to take a picture, but David yanked it out of his drink faster than I could grab my camera.

Note the garnish in the empty martini glass-that was originally in his drink.

This is David, trying to absorb the fact that he is drinking a whiskey sour with foam. I apparently did not take any pictures of Jason that night. I pretended to, while I attempted to get photos of the hot girls sitting at the bar so the guys could see what they looked like. I am a great wingman.


The other part of my weekend was celebrating Dan's birthday! It's not until Tuesday, but my parents wanted to make him dinner. This is him, pretending to be thrilled about the fact that they gave him my first pair of baby shoes. It was a not so subtle hint that they are expecting grandkids soon.

I'd like the record to show that the bag was originally from me to my dad for father's day. Isn't it cute?

A better picture of his gift from me. Isn't the wrapping divine? And, in case you are wondering, my ultra-romantic gift to him was a vacuum sealer. He's wanted one forever, so it's not my fault I got him a weird gift.

And, as a side note, my camera sucks. I would like to request a new one from a certain husband who reads this blog but never posts or comments on it. He shall remain nameless to protect him from the blog nazis.


Dan said...

HAH! Now you can't say I have never made a comment on your blog...I win!