Monday, April 21, 2008

My Mom Wanted Me to Marry a Doctor

I have a totally geeky crush. David Tennant.
Most of you are Googling his name to figure out who he is. And for those of you who are as dorktastic as I am, you're giggling over his shirt...
He plays The Doctor in Doctor Who. It's a BBC series that plays on Sci-Fi too. I was sad when I found out that Sci-Fi decided not to purchase the rights to the current season. I even researched how expensive it would be to add the international channels to our current cable lineup. Just as I was trying to figure out how to ask Dan for the outrageous price jump, Sci-Fi announced a Doctor Who marathon to kick off the exciting premiere of the 4th series.

I. Am. In. Love.

In love with Sci-Fi. In love with this show. In love with David Tennant. I want to lick my tv screen every time the show comes on the screen.


wegrit said...

You can stream it online at That's how I keep up with 'Lost' and the crab fishing show (Deadliest Catch) from halfway around the world.

Wavegrl said...

Yea that is kinda a dorky crush, lol, but I LOVE Sci Fi too! Though I have not seen this show. But maybe I should . . . I like to watch the outer limits. I've seen most of them now C/o my tivo.

emilyclare said...

Oh yes, I too admit myself into the david tennant admiring club :p But have you seen him as Casanova (in the BBC adaption) Oh its melt-worthy...